Monday, January 22, 2007

Talking Points

The Republican Party

Why is this party so out of touch with reality? Why is it so out of touch with reality? Why can't it acknowledge the problems in Iraq and not present an alternative plan? Both parties are guilty of this. As we enter 2007, the party has sluggishly presented some candidates that are out of touch. Some of these candidates include Brownback and Romney, both hypocritical and social conservatives. As a libertarian both of these candidates make me cringe. Brownback is perhaps the worst choice for the Republican party, and could lead to a decline in the party's image. It is important that there is a capable candidate able to attract moderate and centrist voters like myself.

The Republicans in this country seem to also be less concerned with terrorism and more preoccupied in protecting their notions of marriage. Or perhaps could it be because they are more preoccupied in imposing their moral viewpoints on others? I can understand the outcry against "Zoo", a recent 'documentary' which is quite sickening (depicting bestiality).

I think it is important that we focus on the issues like Iraq or terrorism. I think it is important that we focus on repairing the blatant mismanagement in Iraq by formulating a focused, concise plan. So far I feel that both political parties have failed this country, greatly.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

State of Affairs.

The State of Affairs.

If Hillary Clinton were to win the presidency I would be handing in my passport and moving out. I would rather see Bill Richardson run for the democrats, if it came down to that. The republicans have fumbled badly, and will continue to do so. However, I see little unity within the democratic party, and I feel that Hillary would only further divide the party and the country. If anything, Hillary Clinton is one that republicans would want to run because we know she cannot possibly win a national election. No one as despised as her would be able to win. She is simply not an electable person. What kind of unity would she provide? She has no clear message, and is a political opportunist of the most despicable kind. What kind of character would she provide for this nation, that is inherently lacking in the present administration? The answer is, she wouldn't. She would not be able to offer any resemblance of sound leadership. Do not be fooled by people who say she is strong on national defense. This is the same person who is against increases in pay for the military.

One thing we must focus on as a nation is that we need to find a unifying figure. I see it in Bill Richardson, Rudy Giuliani, or if we he could run, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The state of California is one of mainly democrats, but Arnold Schwarzenegger has managed to turn the tide against the advocates of the large, almost Orwellian state. I'm against government interference with the economy. Though some of the things Schwarzenegger has done has been against small government idealism, most of the reforms he has accomplished have reduced arbitrary government. Arnold Schwarzenegger has also proved a unifying figure. Arnold Schwarzenegger has also passed 20+ LGBT related bills which align with my ideas of social equity.

Such fumbling of policy comes almost like second nature to both the republican and democratic party, and the present administration in the White House. I was originally for the Iraq War, but I have felt the inept Bush administration has mismanaged it. We need new ideas and new policy for such an endeavor. As it seems, Ethiopia is better capable than our country at bringing stability to another country. There is however no easy fix for Iraq, and change has to come within the close-mindedness of the Bush Administration and his corrupt Republican colleagues.

Nonetheless, let it be known my criticism is not just directed at the Republican Party, but also the Democratic Party, which has failed to convey an adequate alternative plan. Cut and run is not a plan. It is simply saying that we do not have the balls to finish something we started. In this country we have both the chickenhawks and rabid anti-war individuals. I, unlike both of these delusional groups, have had a vision of what was supposed to happen in Iraq.

There were several key mistakes in Iraq, and these include:

Disbanding the Iraqi Military - First and foremost, by disbanding the Iraqi Military by the Provisional Authority was perhaps one of the biggest mistakes of this entire war. Is this possible to fix? Maybe.

Limiting the Iraqi Military from seeking larger amounts of heavy armaments, including heavy tanks and artillery. Lets face it, the Iraqi Military simply does not have the armor it needs to be a capable fighting force. The Republicans have seriously miscalculated thinking that the Iraqi Military is capable strictly being a light combat force.

Inadequate Reconstruction - No matter how much either side wants to gloss it over, there simply has not been enough done to reconstruct the country. There needs to be greater amounts of reconstruction of basic services, and infrastructure. As long as infrastructure is grossly inadequate, the economy will not be able to flourish.